Temenos Lifecycle Management Suite - Origination Product Guide
Rules Management

The Rules Management topic includes the following information to assist administrators with creating, copying, editing, and deleting rules within Rules Manager:


Business Rules use business language to link the following:

Rule Language Description
Conditions Logical circumstances, such as Fields, Field Values, or Functions, which are met in order for an Action to be assigned.
Actions Activities that are performed as a result of Conditions being met.

Rules can be used to create a logical statement such as, If [condition is true]…..then [perform this action]. If that condition is not met, then the logic can continue into an Else statement. Additional If [condition is true]…..then [perform this action] statements can then be nested.

Below are some guidelines to follow in preparation for authoring Business Rules:

The overall steps to writing a Business Rule are as follows:

Understanding Rule Sessions

Rule Sessions allow multiple users to work in the rule application simultaneously. Reference the table below for an overview of the session types that are supported in Rules Management:

Session Type Description

Occurs when the entire rule application is locked by a single user, such as when the installer is run, or a Configuration Manager import is in progress. Only one user can have an exclusive lock on the rule application at a time. When a user has an exclusive lock on the rule application, other users can access Rules Management, but only in read-only mode, and no edits can be performed.

 In order to have an exclusive session, no other user can have an active rule session in the rule application.

Occurs when a user opens the rule application. Multiple users can have an editing session in the rule application simultaneously; however, each rule can only be edited by one user at a time. A lock is placed on a rule when a user opens the Edit Rule window to create, copy, or edit the rule.


Occurs when a user saves the rule application, or performs a Sync Lookups or Sync Custom Fields. Only one user can have a saving session at a time.

 In order to have a saving session, no other user can have an active exclusive or saving session.

The following behavior occurs in the rule application to ensure that more than one user is not able to edit the same rule at the same time, each user is working with the most up to date rule logic, and updated rule logic is able to be saved successfully:

The active sessions in the rule application can be viewed within the Rule Sessions tab on the Rules Management home page.

Saving the rule application does not end a rule session. A rule session is ended by performing one of the following actions:

  • Saving the rule application, and then closing Rules Manager.
  • Clicking End Session within the Rule Sessions tab.
  • Logging out of Temenos Infinity.
For more information, please see the Rules Management - Rule Sessions topic in this guide.

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Getting Started in Rules Management

To begin writing rules, click  within the top of the Rules Management home page.

Upon clicking , Rules Manager opens.

The Rule Application is comprised of four sections: the Application Toolbar, Left Navigation Pane, Main Window, and Message Window.

Show1 - Application Toolbar

The Rules Manager Toolbar contains the following five buttons:

Function Description

Click to retain all changes made within the Rule application.

Save must be clicked at the Rule Application level once all changes to rule logic or lookup syncs are complete. Clicking  or  within the individual rule does not save rule logic to the Rule Application without this final save.
If a user tries to perform a save action while another user has an active saving session, the save fails, and an error message is received to inform that one or more other users have open sessions, which are preventing the saving session from occurring. 
Click to check for errors in the rule logic without saving the Rule Application. After editing or authoring a rule, it is advised to perform this function.

Click to import all of the most current information populated in Temenos Infinity, such as any new queues, and incorporate them into the Rules application. Prior to writing new rule logic, it is advised to perform this function.

This function requires a saving session in Rules Management.

Click to import all of the most current custom fields populated in Temenos Infinity. It is recommended to perform this function prior to writing new rule logic if new custom fields were recently created.

This function requires a saving session in Rules Management.

Show2 - Left Navigation Pane

The Rules Management Application displays a left navigation pane containing Rule Categories. Selecting a category from the left navigation pane determines the type of rules that populate within the main window.

A category must be selected before a rule can be created or edited.

For more information on the available rule categories, please see the Rules Management - Rule Categories topic in this guide.

Show3 - Main Window

When a category is selected in the left navigation pane, the rules associated with that category populate within the Rules grid in the main window.

The Rules grid consists of the following columns to display information related to each rule:

Column Description

Identifies the Entity associated with the Rule. An Entity defines how a rule is applied, how an action is applied, and the information that the rule assesses in order to evaluate the conditions.

In order for the rule to be executed across all records in the collection, the rules should be built at the collection level underneath the Applicant or Application entity.

  • When writing a rule that calculates a payment amount on a liability, if the payment is null or zero the rule needs to be written under the Applicant.Liabilities collection.
  • When writing a rule to validate that applicant addresses cannot contain a PO Box, the rule needs to be written under the Applicant.Addresses collection.

If calculating an aggregate or ratio that provides totals or counts within a specific collection, the rule should be written at the entity above the collection in which the count or sum is needed. Aggregates and Ratios are always written at the Applicant and Application entities.

  • When calculating the number of assets for each applicant, the rule needs to be written at the Applicant entity. This ensures that a count is calculated for each applicant.
  • When calculating the overall number of liabilities across all applicants on the application, the rule needs to be written at the Application entity. This ensures that a count of unique liabilities is calculated for the application.

The following table provides a list of the available Entities in the Rules Management application:

ShowEntity Table

The following table provides a list of the commonly used Entities in the Rule Application along with a description of how the rule runs for each entity and an example of when to select the entity:

Entity How the Rule Runs Example
Address Rule runs once for each address on the application. Write a rule to set the value of Document Processing fields.
Applicant Rule runs once for each applicant on the application. Write a rule to calculate assets for each applicant.
Applicant.Addresses Rule runs once for each address on an applicant. Write a rule to validate that applicant addresses do not contain a PO Box.
Applicant.Aggregates Rule runs once for each aggregate on an applicant. Write a rule to set a recommendation when an applicant aggregate is equal to a specific value.
Applicant.Assets Rule runs once for each asset on an applicant. Write a rule that translates data imported from the Core as part of the Applicant Import Process.
Applicant.AssociatedApplications Rule runs once for each associated application related to each applicant. Write a rule to add associated applications as a liability to be included in the decisioning process.
Applicant.Incomes Rule runs once for each income record on an applicant. Write a rule to validate that an applicant’s employment start date is prior to the current day when the income type recorded is Current Income.
Applicant.Liabilities Rule runs once for each liability on an applicant. Write a rule that calculates a payment amount on a liability, if the payment is null or zero.
Applicant.LoanCovenants Rule runs once for each loan covenant on an applicant. Write a rule to set document processing fields for the loan covenants associated with each applicant on an application.
Applicant.Phones Rule runs once for each phone record on an applicant. Write a rule to validate that at least one phone number is recorded for each applicant on the application.
Applicant.Ratios Rule runs once for each ratio on an applicant. Write a rule to set a recommendation when an applicant ratio is equal to a specific value.
Applicant.References Rule runs once for each reference on an applicant. Write a rule to validate that a reference type is set or not set to a specific value based on application data.
Application Rule runs once for the current application. Write a rule to set a field to a specific value based on application data.
Application.AccountProducts Rule runs once for each account product on an application. Write a rule to validate that fields are set for each account product or specific account product types.
Application.Aggregates Rule runs once for each aggregate on an application. Write a rule to set a recommendation when an application aggregate is equal to a specific value.
Application.Applicants Rule runs once for each applicant assigned to an application. Write a rule to set an applicant level field to a specified value based on applicant or application data.
Application.AttachedDocuments Rule runs once for each document attached to an application. Write a rule to set the "IsDisplayedToApplicant" field based on the Document Source or Document Source Type.
Application.Collaterals Rule runs once for each collateral assigned to an application. Write a rule to set or validate the value of collateral level fields based on application data.
Application.CounterOffers Rule runs once for each Counteroffer associated with an application. Write a rule to set Notification dates for a Counteroffer.
Application.Fees Rule runs once for each fee on an application. Write a rule to validate that specific fee amounts do not increase in an application.
Application.Fundings Rule runs once for each funding record on a loan application. Write a rule to validate that fields are set for each funding record on a loan application.
Application.Liabilities Rule runs once for each liability on an application. Write a rule to add cross-sell replacement offers to an application based on the liability field values set within the application.
Application.Ratios Rule runs once for each ratio on an application. Write a rule to set a recommendation when an application ratio is equal to a specific value.
Application.RecurringFees Rule runs once for each recurring fee on an application. Write a rule to set document processing fields for each recurring fee on an application.
Application.RejectionReasons Rule runs once for each rejection reason on an application. Write a rule to set the value of document processing fields sent to IMM.
Application.Scores Rule runs once for each score on an application. Write a rule to set a score recommendation flag based on the score value.
Application.TradeIns Rule runs once for each trade in associated with an application. Write a rule to set the value of document processing fields sent to IMM.
Application.Transfers Rule runs once for each transfer record that is added to an application for an account product. Write a rule to send data for each transfer record to the core using host values.

Rule runs once on each applicant mapping record on an application.

Applicant Mapping maps each applicant to an account product. For example, if there are two account products on an application, each applicant on the application has two applicant mapping records.

Write a rule to set host values for each applicant assigned to each account product on the application.
Application.AccountProduct.Fees Rule runs once for each account product fee on the application. Write a rule to set tags for account product fees in IMM documents.
Application.AccountProduct.Fundings Rule runs once for each funding record on an account product. Write a rule to validate that fields are set for each funding record on an account product.
AuthorizedUser Rule runs once for each authorized user on the application. Write a rule to set host values for each authorized user on an application.
AuthorizedUser.Addresses Rule runs once for each address on an authorized user. Write a rule to set the value of fields for each authorized user address record on an application.
AuthorizedUser.Phones Rule runs once for each phone record on an authorized user. Write a rule to set the value of fields for each authorized user phone record on an application.
CCSCase Rule runs once for each FICO CCS case on an application. Write a rule to create a FICO CCS case ad set the value of fields required to create the case. 
Collateral.HousingExpenses Rule runs once for each housing expense associated with a collateral. Write a rule to set Escrow flags for the housing expense based on application data.
Collateral.Liens Rule runs once for each collateral lien associated with a collateral. Write a rule to set the value of document processing fields sent to IMM.
Collateral.OtherOwners Rule runs once for each Other Owner related to a collateral. Write a rule to set the value of document processing fields sent to IMM.
CollateralOtherOwner.Assets Rule runs once for each asset related to each Collateral Other Owner on a collateral. Write a rule to retrieve assets from the core for the collateral other owners on an application.
Collateral.CollateralRealEstateOrders Rule runs once for each real estate order associated with a collateral. Write a rule to set host values for the collateral real estate orders on an application.
Comment Rule runs once for each comment on an application. Write a rule to send custom data for comments to a third party document processing provider for use in forms.
Phone Rule runs once for each phone record on an application. Write a rule to set the value of Document Processing fields.
Promotion Rule runs once for each promotional offer that meets the criteria to be added to the third party or Virtual Capture application. Write a rule to accept or decline a promotional offer for a third party or Virtual Capture application based on rule conditions.

Reference the table below for a list of the Entities that are available in the Rule Application, but are not commonly used to author rules in Temenos Infinity:

Entity How the Rule Runs
Aggregate Rule runs once for each aggregate on an application.
Applicant.CreditReports Rule runs once for each credit report related to each applicant.
Applicant.HostValues Rule runs once for each host value related to each applicant.
Applicant.Scores Rule runs once for each score on an applicant.
Application.AggregateAnalysisList Rule runs once for each instance that is included in the Escrow Aggregate Analysis information.
Application.Assets Rule runs once for each asset associated with an application.
Application.ReviewIndicators Rule runs once for each review indicator on an application.
Application.Stipulations Rule runs once for each stipulation associated with an application.
Asset Rule runs once for each asset record on an application.
Collateral.CollateralValuations Rule runs once for each collateral valuation associated with a collateral.
Liability Rule runs once for each liability record on an application.
Ratio Rule runs once for each ratio on an application.
Score Rule runs once for each score.
Name Identifies the Rule name provided in the Edit Rule window. 
When creating a new rule, this field defaults to New_Rule.
Description Identifies the Rule description provided in the Edit Rule window.
Disabled Identifies if the Rule is disabled. This functionality is defined by checking the This rule is disabled check box in the Edit Rule window.
System Identifies if the rule is a System Rule. System Rules are authored by Temenos and cannot be edited or deleted in Rules Manager. These rules can be disabled, however, by checking the This rule is disabled check box within the Edit Rule window.
Custom Identifies if the rule is a Custom Rule. Custom Rules are authored by Temenos and cannot be viewed, edited or deleted in Rules Manager.
Type Identifies if the rule is a standard Business Rule or Decision Table.

From the Main Window, administrators have the ability to create new business rules or decision tables, copy existing rules, edit existing rules, and delete existing rules by clicking the appropriate button along the top of the window. Type to filter through the list of rules that populate within the Rules grid. 

Show4 - Message Window

The Message Window displays messages for the Rule Application, including time of save or validation and whether or not the save or validation was successful. 

If an error occurs during Rule Validation, it displays within this window. Double-click on the error to navigate to the item that caused the error to occur.

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Creating a Rule

To create a rule within Rules Manager, select the appropriate rule category from the left navigation pane. Click  and select one of the following rule options:

Rule Description
Business Rule Business Rules are based upon condition(s) and associated action(s) expressed in business language. Rule logic is typically expressed in the form of "If...Then..." statements.
Decision Table Decision Tables are helpful to use in order to maintain complex business situations in a simple manner. They are a powerful way to represent a set of related business rules in a table format, in order to avoid repeating rule logic in several “If” statements. The resulting decision table evaluates the conditions and assigned actions starting at the top and going down until it finds a path where all conditions resolve to True.

Select the appropriate entity where the rule is applied and click .  

The new rule window appears displaying two tabs: General and Definition.

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The General tab is the same for both Business Rules and Decision tables.

Within the General tab, define the following General rule attributes:

Field Description

Enter a Rule Name. This field cannot contain spaces or special characters. 

Rules under the same entity must be named differently in order to save the Rule Application. If this field is the same for more than one rule under the same entity, an error message is received when trying to save the Rule Application.
Description Enter a Description. This field is not required, but is recommended in order to provide administrators with an understanding of the rule.
Entity Displays the name of the entity. This field is not editable.
This rule only runs when executed from another rule

This check box can be used to control the order of execution for rules in a group. If checked, the rule is not executed as part of a rule category and is only executed if explicitly called from another rule. Users are able to call a different rule through action execute rule set and select the rule that is to be executed.

This functionality must be defined when a rule is created. After a rule is saved, this check box is disabled and can no longer be configured.
This rule is disabled

If checked, the rule is disabled and not executed. This check box can be used for creating rules to be activated at a later date.

When a rule is configured to execute from another rule, it cannot be disabled; therefore, this check box becomes inactive when the This rule only runs when executed from another rule check box is selected.
It is recommended to disable a rule rather than delete it, as deleting a rule permanently removes the rule logic from the Rules Management Application. Disabling a rule provides the ability to save the rule logic.

Once all General rule attributes have been defined, navigate to the Definition Tab. 

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The Definition tab contains the rule logic and is where administrators can modify and build a rule. The Definition tab appears differently depending on which of the following rule types is being created:

Business Rule

Business Rules use business language, such as If... Then... statements, to link Conditions to Actions.

To begin building a business rule, click Create Rule. Select a rule template and/or action from the drop-down list that appears. Reference the following table for an overview of the business rule languages available for each conditional template: 

Business Rule Language Definition
Action Set Take the following actions.
If...Then... If the conditions are met, Then execute this action.
If...Then...Else If the conditions are met, execute the Then action. If the conditions are not met, execute the Else action.
Select Case Set up conditions within a case. If the case conditions are met, execute the Then action. The first case condition that is met gets executed.
Select Case...Else Set up conditions within a case. If the case conditions are met, execute the Then action. The first case condition that is met gets executed. If no case conditions are met, then execute the Else action.
While...Do... While a condition is being met in an application, Do the following action(s).

There multiple ways to author a rule. The following demonstration uses an If... Then... rule to build a Queuing Rule and should be used for EXAMPLE ONLY. 

After a Rule or Action is selected, the rule template displays:

To begin building the rule condition, click [build condition]. A list of available fields and functions displays. Search for the desired field or type the field name into the search box to refine options.

The fields that display within this list are determined by the Entity chosen. For example, since the Application Entity was chosen for this demonstration, a list of Application Fields is displayed. For more information on the fields available for rules, please see the Data Dictionary.

Based on this selection, a blue link, such as  shown below, populates within the template in order to build a complete expression.

The blue links contain placeholders and special characters to alert to the following:

Name Prompt Description
Open Placeholder Indicates that another template selection is required in order to complete the expression.
Named Placeholder Indicates that a value, field or additional template selection is required in order to complete the expression.
Chevron Extender Indicates that the rule template can be extended by selecting a condition of “and” or “or.”
Caret Extender The ^ extender is used to append logic to the previous field, value or entire template, such as adding date or text functions.

In the screenshot below, clicking on the (three dots after Status) populates a list of values and compare functions. Adding a function from the list populates a [list value] link to define a value for the condition. For example, selecting has a value of provides the ability to select from a lookup list in Temenos Infinity.

Clicking [list value] populates the list of statuses configured for the Application Status lookup. From this list, select the application status which must be met in order for the application to be assigned to the queue (example: Pending Review).

When all conditions are set, define the actions to occur as a result of those conditions. Under Then, click [add action] and select an action template, such as the Assign to Queue template shown in the below example:

Please see the Rules Management - Available Templates topic for an overview of the actions available when building a rule and the recommended categories for which the action can be used.

Once one action is selected, an additional [add action] link populates to allow for multiple actions to be defined.

As previously mentioned, based on the template selected, a blue link populates in order to build a complete expression. For example, clicking [select a queue] enables the ability to select from a list of the queues configured in Temenos Infinity to assign an application with a Pending Review status.

Upon the completion of this rule, the user has the following logical statement: If the status of an application is Pending Review, assign the application to the Pending Review queue.

Once all rule logic is complete, click  to retain the new rule logic.

Please see Finalizing a Rule for more information on the save process.

Back to Definition tab ^

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Decision Table

Administrators can modify and build a decision table using the Conditions, Actions, and Decisions boxes that display within the Definition tab.

This section provides an overview of the following information to assist administrators with configuring a Decision Table:


In a Decision Table, multiple conditions can be built to compare individual field values or ranges of values. The Decision Table evaluates from top to bottom until it finds a result where all conditions resolve to True.

The Conditions box contains the following buttons:

Button Function
Add Condition
Edit an existing condition.
  Move the order that conditions appear in the columns of the Decision Table.
Delete an existing condition.

To add a condition, click  to build rule criteria. The Add Decision Table Condition window appears.

Using the table below, complete the applicable Add Decision Table Condition fields.

Condition Field Description
Condition name

Specifies the name of the condition that appears in the Decision Table column header. 

This is a required field.
Include 'Any' condition Adds the ‘Any’ option to the list of conditions. Selecting ‘Any,’ in the table triggers the condition to be True under any circumstances.
Linked Field

Specifies if the condition relates to a specific field in the application. Enter the field name in the box or click  to display a list of available fields. 

Value List

If linked to a field, select a value list from the drop-down. This drop-down contains the lookup lists available from System Management > Origination > Field Configurations. When a Value List is selected, the field values associated with the list automatically populate within the Values grid.

A Value List cannot be selected if a Linked Field is not defined.
Values Grid

Specifies the Display name and Expression for each field value. When a Value List is selected, this grid pre-populates with the field values associated with the selected value list. 

When a field value is selected within the Values Grid, the Display name, Condition type, and Value fields pre-populate with information for the selected field value.
Display Name Specifies the name that displays in the drop-down for the condition column of the Decision Table.
Condition type

Specifies if the condition set relates to a field or is defined using an expression or business language. 

If Expression or Business Language is selected, a window appears to define the rule logic: 
Condition type

Specifies the compare function used to define the condition criteria. 

This field does not display when the Expression or Business Language condition type is selected.
Value Specifies the ID Value in the database for the selected field value.

Once all fields for the condition are configured, click OK to save the condition. 

Since multiple conditions can be created within a decision table, create all conditions following the above steps before defining actions for the decision table.

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In a Decision Table, the end result of the logic path is determined by the defined actions. Multiple action sets can be created and associated with various conditions.

The Actions box contains the following buttons:

Button Function
Add action.
Edit an existing action.
  Move the order that actions appear in the columns of the Decision Table.
Delete an existing action.

To add an Action, click  to select the desired action template.

The Add Decision Table Action window appears:

Select one of the following action modes:

ShowSet Value

Select Set Value to link the action to a specificTemenos field.

Using the table below, complete the applicable Add Decision Table Action fields when Set Value is selected:

Action Field Description
Display Name

Specifies the name that displays in place of the field name in the decision table column header. 

This is not a required field
Field Name

Specifies the name of the action that appears in the drop-down for the action column of the Decision Table. Enter a field name or click the  button to select from a list of field values. 

This is a required field.
Set Value Settings

Select Use values from the field’s value list to add lookup values for the field defined within Field Name. This setting is disabled if a lookup value is not defined within Field Name.

Select Use values from an existing value list to add values from existing Temenos lookup lists. When this setting is selected, the values pre-populate within the Values grid.

Select Use custom values to define custom values for the rule action. When this setting is selected, the Values grid becomes editable to define the value. 

The Value setting defaults to Use custom values.
Values Grid

Specifies the Value and Display Name for each field value.

When the Use values from an existing value list is selected, this grid pre-populates with the field values associated with the selected value list and cannot be edited.

When the Use Custom Values setting is selected, this grid becomes editable to allow for a custom value to be added. Click the  button to add a custom value to the Values grid.

The Display name defaults to Value(number) as values are added, but can be modified. Click within the field box to edit the name that displays:

ShowBusiness Language

Select Business Language to define actions for the decision table using a rule template.

When the Business Language action mode is selected, The Add Decision Table Action window appears as follows:

Using the table below, complete the applicable Add Decision Table Action fields when Business Language is selected:

Action Field Description
Display Name

Specifies the name that displays in place of the field name in the decision table column header. 

This is not a required field
Action Name

Specifies the name of the action that appears in the drop-down for the action column of the Decision Table.

This is a required field.

Specifies the Display name for the action and provides a window to create an Action Rule.
Click the 
  button to populate the Create Action Rule link and use business language to define the rule action.

The Display name defaults to Value(number) as values are added, but can be modified.m Click within the field box to edit the name that displays:

Repeat the steps for the selected action mode until all options for the action are defined. Click OK to save the action.

Once all actions are created, navigate to the Decisions box to complete the Decision Table.

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The Decisions Table is ready to populate once all Conditions and Actions have been defined.

Within the Decisions Box, the following buttons display to configure the Decision Table:

Button Function
Add new row to the Decision Table.
Move selected row up.
Move selected row down.
Delete selected row.
Copy selected row.
Paste the copy of a row.
Select the sort order of the Decision Table.
Generate an exhaustive list of all possible options for the table.
Check Decision Table for any duplicated or missing options.
Delete all rows of the Decision Table.

Manually add rows to the Decision Table by clicking  or select  to create an exhaustive list of all possible combinations for the table.

Using the associated drop-downs within an Action column, assign Conditions to Actions until all desired outcomes have been accounted for within the Decision Table.

It is recommended to click the  button to check the Decision Table for any duplicated or missing options before saving.

Once all rule logic is complete, click  to retain the new rule logic.

Please see Finalizing a Rule for more information on the save process.

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Finalizing a Rule

Upon completion of all rule logic, click  within the Edit Rule window to retain the new rule logic and return to the Rules Management screen. Once saved, the new rule populates within the Rules grid. Click  within the Rules Management screen to save the new rule logic to the Rule Application.

Clicking  or  within an individual rule does not save the new rule logic to the Rule Application. Once all changes to the rule logic have been made, and/or lookup syncs are complete, click  within the Rules Management screen to save the new rule logic to the Rule Application.

Clicking  within the Rules Management toolbar initiates the compilation process where the rule application is updated to include the new rule logic. Once the process is complete, the updated rule logic is available for execution. 

When a new rule is created, additional users in the rule application may not see the new rule until they leave the rule category and navigate back.

Compiling the Rule Application

When the rule application is saved, a compilation process is initiated to update the current rule application and apply all new and modified rule logic in the system.

The compilation process occurs prior to the new or modified rule being executed to improve performance in the system during rule execution.

Each time the rule application is saved, this process is automatically performed behind the scenes, resulting in a delay between the time that the rule application is saved and the time that the modified rule logic is applied in the system.

The amount of time delay that occurs can be viewed within the grid that appears on the Rules Management Home page. The Last Modified date displays the date and time that the rule application was saved and the Effective Date displays the date and time that the compiled rule application was put to use in Temenos Infinity.

While the rule application is compiling, the logic within the previous rule application continues to be applied throughout the system. Once the compilation process is complete, the logic within the existing rule application is automatically discarded and the updated logic within the compiled rule application is seamlessly put to use in the system. The date and time that the compiled rule application became current populates within the Effective Date column in the grid on the Rules Management Home page.

The time that it takes to compile the rule application varies and depends on the size of the rule application as well as the complexity and availability of server resources for the institution.

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Copying a Rule

Before copying a rule, it is recommended to review the Creating a Rule section of this topic for an overview of the information defined within each tab, and to develop an understanding for how to configure rule logic.
If another user is editing a rule, the rule can still be copied.

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Editing a Rule

Before editing a rule, it is recommended to review the Creating a Rule section of this topic for an overview of the information defined within each tab, and to develop an understanding for how to configure rule logic.

Once a rule is open by a user, a lock is placed on the rule in the rule application. If another user attempts to edit the rule while the lock is in place, the Edit Rule window opens in read-only mode, and the Save buttons are disabled within the window. A message also appears in the corner of the window to identify the username of the user who has the rule checked out for editing. For more information, please see the Understanding Rule Sessions section of this topic.

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Deleting a Rule

Clicking  permanently removes the rule logic from the Rules Management Application. It is recommended to disable a rule from the Edit Rule window, rather than permanently delete it in order to save the rule logic. For more information on how to disable a rule, please see the Creating a Rule section of this topic.
If a rule is being edited by another user, the rule cannot be deleted from the rule application, and an error message is received upon clicking Yes to confirm that the rule should be deleted.

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